Antique Store Adventure

Friday, September 29, 2017

Hello lovelies! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet! :) 

Today I wanted to share some photos from my recent trip to my local antique store. I am lucky enough to live very close to three lovely little antique stores. These photos that I'm sharing with you today are from my favorite one. It's called Uztabz Antiques. It's located in Independence, Missouri. If you're local I highly suggest that you check it out! They have lots of treasures to explore! 

Fun little fact about myself: I love antiques. I am fascinated with anything from a bygone era. I've always been drawn to old things. I've always felt like my soul wasn't from this time. I love visiting antique shops any chance that I get.

{I thought this old cash register was the coolest!}

{Aren't old perfume bottles so pretty!? I want them all!}

{Some beautiful vintage brushes & mirrors.}

{Old children's toys & books.}

{I'm not sure why, but I love their light switch haha!}

Do you guys like antique shopping? Let me know down below.
